Thursday, February 14, 2019


As our current President continues to make a mockery of Washington, D.C., the question I know everyone is asking, especially after the midterms is...."Is it 2020 yet?"  It can't get here soon enough.  

This is evident by the number of candidates that have already thrown their hat into the ring on the democratic side.  I guess everyone is thinking they have got to be a better choice than our current administration.  As the competition increases, the article that I posted a link to ranks our current top 10 Democrats most likely to wind up as the party's nominee.  

The article, from CNN, focuses on former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, and what impact he will have when he finally concedes to running for president.  CNN claims that "If and when, and it feels more like a question of when than if at this point, O'Rourke decides to get into the 2020 race, he will fundamentally alter the contest in ways big and small."

I find that I am already biased because I definitely cannot wait for Beto to jump into this race.  With that said, I like to keep my eyes open to the other candidates that are considering the Democratic bid because those individuals may become his running mate.  With people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker among the top 5 contenders, who would best be paired with O'Rourke that could make this next election a landslide?

This week as the President made his way down to El Paso to hold another rally of sound bites, pleading for his "Wall", I found it quite interesting that Beto held a rally just a few hundred yards away.  This definitely got the President's attention, because he blasted Beto in his ramblings at the podium, and even went as far as to lie about the number of people who attended his rally vs. O'Rourke's rally.  I mean, really, why do you have to lie about it?  We have video.  We have cameras.  We have FACTS, stating the capacity at the venue where the President regurgitated nonsense was only 6,500, when he claims there were 30,000 people.  

Of all the candidates already vying for a shot at the Presidency, I think that Beto O'Rourke is the one that gives the President the most nightmares.  Beto has that star power and charisma, eloquent speech, and energy that is powerful enough to command the attention of the nation, even with his loss in Texas for Senate, that will make him a pain in the butt for Donald.

 My eyes are also upon Ms. Kamala Harris.  As a woman of color, two distinct traits that have not held the Presidency or Vice Presidency, I really like what I have been seeing and hearing from her.  I would love to see her and Beto team up and take this country by the reigns and whip it back into shape.    

I know that it is early in the game, so much can happen between now and November 3rd, 2020, but one thing is for sure, the turnout for this next election is going to be historical!  As I continue to keep my finger on the pulse of the Democratic Party, I will also be watching out for contenders from across the aisle.  I know there has to be a few Republicans that are ready to oust the Idiot in Chief.  

So enjoy the article and please stay educated on what is transpiring in our great nation.  I know that we are down by 6 touchdowns with Donald at the helm, but there is plenty of time left in the game and I know that we can rebound even from his disastrous tenure in the White House.  As Beto said in his speech Monday night, "We are the example that the United States of America needs right now.....This is where we make our stand!"  

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Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker recently described in an opinion piece titled  Beto O’Rourke’s 2020 campaign is a youthful folly ,...